Join Jason Dawe and Penny Mallory and our studio audience down at the used car workshop, for another episode of the UK’s favourite satellite TV car show….. the Used Car Roadshow.

This week’s buyer Richard Thomas who hasn’t owned a car for a while but now he’s ready for something sporty. Jason and Penny offer him a bright blue Fiat Coupe, a Toyota Celica and a BMW 328. Find out if he’s tempted to part with his hard earned cash after he’s taken two of them for a test drive.

And we take another stroll down memory lane with our Teenage Kicks feature, this week we take a long cool look at the Daimler Dart, an iconic classic with a silhouette to die for, simply stunning.

Some nice oily bits for you

Our own motor technician Chris Piper ‘Pipes’ shows us how to stay safe and save pounds with his top tips on changing your own wipers blades.

And down at the local car auction Zoë Hardman steers auction novices Anna Cederholm and Robert Scott towards the used car of their dreams. Check out Jason’s Top Tips for buying at auction and see if they stick to them.

Meanwhile there’s Body and Soul at the local aerodrome, Rich McKee puts his precious customised Renault Clio through its paces especially for our cameras. You’ll be blown away by this chique little French number.

That car’s got Body and Soul That’s why it’s on the Used Car Roadshow.

We hope you enjoy the show
Happy motoring!

Okay so the photographer does not get out much

 Pipes' looks exhausted

Stunning Daimler Dart stole our hearts

THIS EPISODE'S WEB LINKS:- To find out more about some of the tips and great cars featured on the   show;
Auction fever: www.manheim.co.uk www.independentmotorauctions.co.uk  

Hot Tip: www.elvingtonairfield.co.uk  


Where's the Jack? Windscreen wipers: www.consumabulbs.com,

